Carrie Pratt Wellness

Clean Products for a healthier life

Become a Wellness Warrior with Products that align with your health and wellness goals.

Scout&Cellar Wine

Wine in it’s purest form. Chosen by a level III sommelier. Free of chemicals & additives & colorants.  When I drink this wine, I wake up without a headache & feel great

Doterra Essential Oils

Empower yourself and your health with these essential oils. Each oil benefits the body in many ways including physical, mental & spiritual aspects.  Use oils to enhance your day.

High quality vitamins & supplements to keep your body functioning at its best. Made from whole foods & packed with nutrition and powerful antioxidants.  

Live Vantage Products

Keep oxidative stress at minimum when you nourish your body with these powerful antioxidant supplements. Each proven to be effective across many clinical trials. 

I have researched these products and personally use them regularly in my daily life.  If used, the affiliate links on this page will provide a commission to Carrie Pratt Wellness at no extra cost to you as the consumer.  I appreciate your support of my mission and this website when you choose to use one of the links.  Thank you!